How To Create The Best Home Page For a Website

You’ve got the perfect idea. I mean a good one. One you’ve been waiting your whole life to come up with. It’s good and you are going to be a superstar. You know this ever so perfect idea needs a killer website to make it come to life. Not just any website, but a good […]

5 Ways to Optimize Images on Your Website

Images are a key component of every website. According to HTTP Archive images make up for more than 60% of data loaded on web pages. Being such a critical component of almost all websites, whether it is e-commerce, news, fashion websites, blogs or travel portals, image optimization is important, and perhaps the lowest hanging fruit, […]

How to Quick Start a WordPress Blog

You need a blog and you need it now. The world is always changing, and it’s time you had a blog platform of your own to share your views and thoughts. The best and easiest way to launch a self-hosted blog is with the self hosted WordPress platform. There are over 60 million blogs on WordPress, one of several […]

How to Create A Custom Archives Template For WordPress

An archive page is like a sitemap for your readers to navigate through your buried contents, A reader can easily navigate to your old articles based on a month, year, category and even by tags. Sadly, most WordPress themes do not come with a custom archives page template. In this simple WordPress tutorial, you are […]

How to Feature Your Website in Google Answer Boxes

Do you want your articles to appear in Google answer boxes? Answer boxes are Google’s push to answer questions directly on the search results page. In this article, we will explain how to appear in Google Answer Boxes for WordPress users. What is a Google Answer Box? Google Answer box is part of Google’s Knowledge […]

How To Create The Best Home Page For Your Website

You’ve got the perfect idea for a website and its the one you’ve been waiting your whole life to come up with. It’s good and you are going to be a superstar. You know this ever so perfect idea needs a killer website to make it come to life. Not just any website, but a […]

How to Speed Up Your Mobile Website

Everyone who accesses the web always seems to be in a hurry, making a website load as fast as possible should be a priority for webmasters. Speed is even more crucial when it comes to the mobile version of your website. Mobile users are typically on the go all the time, and they would have very […]